Jeff Wilson
A genuine wiz (pun totally intended) in all things tabletop roleplaying games, board games, sci-fi, and WWE. Jeff is also the Game Master in the “Huzzah! Games” podcast and mastermind behind our famous character I’anan. Jeff is also patient, thoughtful, unassuming, kind, and a fantastic leader. When “Huzzah! Games” began, Jeff & Jocelyn developed the concept for I’anan to change personalities per episode, per player. In the season finale, I’anan would be played by every player from the previous episodes and his personality would change with the roll of a die.
About Jeff
5 years
Years Experience
Fun Fact
I know all the backstage secrets about the making of Star Wars.

Jeff’s Campaigns
Star Wars: Edge of the Empire
Mask of the Pirate Queen