Huzzah! Games LLLP started as a podcast in 2018, then launched into a business during the COVID-19 pandemic. We offered free Meetup events titled, “Session 0 - How to Play Dungeons & Dragons.” Our “Session 0’s” were a nod to the official term, and taught players the basics of Dungeons & Dragons.
When people loved what we were doing, they began to ask, “When is the next session?” and “Are you running campaigns?” Now we run many online campaigns on a once per month basis where memories are made, battles are won, shenanigans unfold, and strangers become friends through one of the greatest tabletop roleplaying games of all time.

What is a “Session 0”?
A Session 0 is where every player can attend a "meet and greet" with a Game Master who is preparing a new campaign. This is an opportunity learn about the world, the story, playable races and classes, and anything unique to that Game Master's style. We also refer to our monthly, free sessions as Session 0's on Meetup.com where we walk through character sheets and play a tiny one shot including new games we offer each season!
Do I need to know anything about Dungeons & Dragons to play in a campaign?
Nope! We can teach along the way, give you resources, and host Session 0's to answer questions. It's possible that some players will have more experience than others, but Huzzah! Games is designed for new players to learn at a safe "tabletop".
Is Huzzah! Games pay-to-play?
Yes. We hire Game Masters to run games for four hours per session with six players on average. We pay them for their time and each session is $15 per player per session.
Is Huzzah! Games a business?
Absolutely. We are a Georgia-based, small business, but we are all working regular jobs by day. We were originally a podcast titled, "Huzzah! D&D Beyond the Rules" then we shifted gears to teaching real people how to play D&D and other tabletop games which bloomed into a fully-fledged business. Life's crazy.
How do I get started?
Visit our Campaigns page to view descriptions of all our current campaigns, then click the “Subscribe” button to join. It's that easy to save a seat at a "table". Secondly, you can also reach out to anyone in the Huzzah! Team about current campaigns, questions about D&D, etc. Lastly, you can RSVP to any campaigns by checking out the Dungeons & Dragons category in Discord. Available campaigns are visible until all seats are filled then the text channel will become private.
How do Huzzah! Games seasons work?
As we plan and grow, we want to offer new games and experiences for everyone to participate in each month. In Season 1, we produced a podcast all about Dungeons & Dragons and how to play at the table, so we offered D&D campaigns each month. In Season 2, we transitioned to a podcast season dedicated to Star Wars: Edge of the Empire and began to offer SW:EOTE campaigns. Who knows what Season 3 will offer...
What happens if a player is a no-show?
We cannot accommodate a no-show scenario where a player simply does not communicate nor attends the session because the whole adventure party is affected; please reach out to your GM as soon as possible if you know you will be absent. A refund will not be issued for a no-show. Two consecutive no-shows in two sessions (i.e. two months in a row) will result in an opening of the player's seat. Your adventure party or GM needs to be notified.
What if I’m running late to a session?
If a player is going to be late to a session, we ask that the player give the Game Master advanced notice as soon as possible. Every Game Master will wait for players to arrive out of respect for their time and schedule, so please pay the courtesy forward. It is an exercise of etiquette when we communicate any complications that could affect the group.
How can an adventure party reschedule a session or cancel for the month?
If 50% of an adventure party’s players agree to a new session date by the Monday before their session date, they may do so at the Game Master’s full discretion. An adventure party may reschedule once per campaign unless the Game Master is fully disposed and unable to participate. Additionally, if less than 50% of players do not attend the session without notice, Game Master’s may offer a supplemental one shot session in lieu of the no-show player(s). If a player agrees to participate in the one shot, a refund will not be given out of respect to the Game Master’s time and effort spent on the sudden change of session material. Refunds will be issued to players who are unable to attend a session if the No-Show Policy and Session Cancellation Policy are followed. No questions asked.